coffee for your heart ~ vol. 18 ~ getting stuck in the weeds...

Good Morning one and all. It's HUMP day. We are halfway through the week and I don't know about you but I could use a looooong weekend, fer sure and fer certain.

We have had a exciting morning this a.m. Miss Courtney did a great job at PT but in the way home #BigBertha, Courtney's wheelchair lift van was doing all kinds of craziness and the "Service" light came on which it never does. It's like the kiss of death.  It's now in the shop and hopefully by tomorrow, we will have some idea of the probem. Please say a prayer for wisdom and discernment with regards to this. We may be going to one car which would be challenging.

Miss Courtney continues to improve and is recovering nicely from her aspiration pneumonia and two days in the hospital. We are working on strengthening her respiratory system so these trips to the hospital are few and far between. 

Today,  we are talking about all the "weeds" in life, all those things that distract us and pull us down into the darkness, robbing us of our joy. What can you do to avoid those "weeds"? Rely on Our Lords faithfulness to always be there working hard, even when you can't "see" him. 

I don't know what he has in store for me or my family given all that has happened in the last week, but I do know without a shadow of a doubt, that He will be there to sustain us, guide us and love us through whatever he needs us to face. Through HIM all things are made new. 


Coffee for Your Heart ~ #18 ~ making your way out of the weeds... from Mary Lenaburg on Vimeo.

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