coffee for your heart #7 - what brings you joy??

It's Wednesday which means you get to hear/see me for our weekly visit. It's time for a little "Coffee for Your Heart" part of Holly Gerth's 2014 Encouragement Project. A moment to take a deep breath and spread a little love and encouragement over the interwebs.

This week Holly asks the question: What brings you JOY?

Oh my friends. What a great question to contemplate. SO many things, people, places, experiences bring me joy. 

Coffee for Your Heart - #7 from Mary Lenaburg on Vimeo.

Now it's your turn...What brings you JOY? You can comment here, or on Facebook, or on instagram. Come follow me! I can't wait to here about ALL the JOY in your life. 

Blessings this day, 

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