this part never get easier...

It's Monday morning and the house is fairly still. Miss Courtney is still sleeping, Jonathan and Jerry are at work and I have my iPod playing Audrey Assad quietly.  I have said my morning rosary for your intentions and mine and I am typing this while sipping a delightfully glorious cup of coffee.

Soon the pace will pick up considerably as I begin the preparations for Courtney's surgery tomorrow. This part never gets any easier I must say. This will be her eighth surgery in 20 years and about the 47th time she will be put under general anesthesia.

Yes, I counted. A Mama of a special one keeps track of these things. It comes with the territory. There are a few pre-op blood tests to get taken and then we have to bathe her using anti-bacterial soap. I have already begun the feeding schedule, every two hours until midnight tonight she will receive either a tube feeding of formula, water or be fed by mouth. After midnight nothing.

She is having three moles removed which doesn't sound like any big deal except two of the moles are in tricky places. One is on her eyelid right by the tear duct, another on her upper cheek. This one has a cyst underneath it as well as the fact that it's sitting on one of her facial nerves. I have every confidence in the plastic surgeon, but remember this is Courtney we are talking about here. The littlest thing can become a major deal in the blink of an eye. So we take every precaution, every time.

Today my mother's heart is a bit tender as I go through all the worst case scenarios that could happen so in some insane way I can "feel" prepared for any eventuality. Crazy, right? I know, but it's what I do when faced with these things. Go to the worst place and then I work my way back into some semblance of sanity. It's my process...go figure.

Now I get to ask you for yet another favor. Courtney's surgery is schedule for Tuesday, at 9:30 a.m. EST. Would you be willing to cover us in prayer?? I would be so grateful for that. The closer we get to that moment when they wheel her away my anxiety inches up bit by bit. Those of you who have experienced this know the feeling I am talking about. I know it's considered "minor" surgery but to me it always feels like something more.

So I would greatly appreciate your prayers for me and my beautiful girl tomorrow. I will be updating my facebook page throughout the day, as well as instagram and twitter. So you can join along in the journey if you'd like. I promise to update the blog by tomorrow night with all the relevant news. Wouldn't want to leave you hanging.

Today I am grateful for:
#1326 ~ #1347 
* freshly planted herbs that will grow and multiply
* turned earth promising lettuce and other scrumptious veggies
* anti-bacterial soap that will help protect my girl
* homeopathic medical supports that aid in healing
* friends willing to give up their day to spend it waiting with you in the hospital
* a husband who works so hard to provide for his family
* in praise for a wonderful weekend away for my son, spent with extended family and new friends.
* my daily rosary
* the prayerful support of others
* the spring rain that nourishes the ground
* a calm quiet morning to gather my thoughts before the insanity begins
* air conditioning on muggy hot days
* Christian music that inspires and uplifts.
* encouraging email messages in support of my writing - so grateful I cannot even put it into words
* sleep
* land to plant 
* working indoor plumbing
* books to fill the time and challenge my mind
* time spent alone with my sweet spouse
* half and wouldn't be good coffee without it
* flip flops and praire skirts
* you

Please join Ann Voskamp @ A Holy Experience to celebrate the little gifts given each day by the ONE who loves us most!

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